Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I'm not good at this

So I have not been very good about posting blogs. So much has been happening it has been crazy. Life gets a hold of you and where does the time go. I will be putting up some new pics this week. Alot has gone on we went home in April, getting ready for the baby, and just life. This last weekend we went to Panama City Beach for a marriage retreat. Takoa went with us the Army provided everything we needed it was a blast so there will be pics from that soon. We have 3 weeks until the baby is due I have been wishing she would come now but you know they come when they are ready. But we have been busy getting ready. WOW so much has happened... TJ signed up for 6 more years so we are heading to Alaska in December. It will be a good change for us. Its cool to see so many different places I'm not looking forward to the move and all that comes with it. But I will have some family up there with me so that will be nice. Well check back for more pics and more updates this week as I try to get caught up with it all

1 comment:

Andy and Kimi said...

I'm so happy to find your blog. I cannot believe how big Takoa is!! What a cute little guy. Funny that Andy was just asking me the other day if I knew anything that was going on with you guys and I told him that you should be having a baby any day- great that you only have a couple more weeks. Can't wait to see pictures!! Keep in touch!