Sunday, August 10, 2008

Kiele Thalia Byrd

So we have our baby girl Kiele. She is such a blessing to our family. She had a grand entrance to the world!!! She was born at home in the bathroom we think around 3:25 on August 8 2008 (08/08/08 cool b-day) (we weren't really concered about the time!!) No this was not a planned home birth. I dont think I will do that again . So here is what happened. I went the doctors on the 7th for my normal appt. everything was great I was at a 2. Went home and did my normal day stuff. I was having contractions but really wasn't keeping track so when I went to get TJ from work I thought I would time them while I was waiting. This was at 6:00pm I was contracting every 3 mins. We had to go to the store and run erands so I just kept track. We ended up going to dinner with a friend I at this point couldn't eat cause it was making me sick. I told TJ when we were done we needed to go to the hospital. TJ was just rolling his eyes thinking I was crazy (for some reason he thought you dont go in until your water breaks). When we got home we had some friends come over to be with takoa. We got to the hospital at 11:11 (I just know that cause there was a clock right in the hall) We checked in got into the room and they hooked me up to the monitor I was now contracting every 1-2 mins....the resident came in about 11:45 checked me I was at a 3 so they told me I couldn't be admited until I was at a 4 so the sent me home and told me I would most likely come back the next day. I was shocked mind you I was still contracting every min. We headed home...once we were home I couldn't sleep I took a bath helped for a little bit. I woke up about 2:40 called the hospital because I was having some bleeding to see if i should come back in...the nurse and the doctor told me no I didn't need to cause they had checked me so that would make me bleed. well about 30 mins later I took a short bath I got out to go wake TJ up so we could just go in to the hospital I guess it was to late cause my water broke I put my hand down to feel and her head was right there I stared yelling for TJ to come help me. I had her in seconds thank goodness for the medical background I have I was able to stay calm and take care of her with TJ's help. Our friends that had stayed with takoa also were a big help to us as well. They were in shock as were we. We are just thanking our heavenly Father that nothing bad happened. We are healthy and now back home. As you can tell from the pics takoa loves his little sister.


Amy Jo said...

Oh my goodness, what a crazy story!! I am glad you are okay and your little baby is okay!!

Anna said...

That is so wild!! Im so glad you guys are ok, That story is something oyu see in movies or hear in the news!!
By the way I looked at your blog off of your link on myspace!

LeeAnn said...

Wow, congratulations Brit! I couldn't even imagine giving birth alone in my bathroom!!! That is good that you were able to stay calm, I would have been freaking out for sure. I am so glad you are BOTH okay.

Esther said...

Holy cow! What a story! I'm glad you're all doing well, she's beautiful, congratulations!

Andy and Kimi said...

Holy Cow!! When I got your mom's text yesterday with Kiele's picture I thought I'd check your blog today to see if there were anymore. I cannot believe that birth story- you are a trooper and those nurses at the hospital are dumb. What a blessing that you abd the baby are doing well!!
P.S. She is beautiful!!

breyn said...

What in the WORLD!!!! CRAZY!!! Britney, you are wonder woman!!!! I am so glad that everything turned out okay in the end (though I don't blame you for not wanting to give birth that way again). Congratulations!!! She is GORGEOUS!!! So sweet and precious!!! Enjoy having a sweet baby girl. Love ya tons and miss ya!
Love, Breyn

Me said...

OH MY WORD!!!! Your contractions were 3 minutes apart and you weren't alarmed?! Well, now she has an amazing "birth story" to top all the rest! That IS wild!! Love you, love her!! She is gorgeous, just like her mom! Congrats and love to ya'll!