After along wait TJ is home!!! We were lucky and he got to come home on one of the first flights!! He got home January 13th!! We were up REALLY early to get there on time just to sit and wait and wait. Takoa was just ready for daddy to be here already. Takoa helped make the sign and we made one for the house that I didn't get a pic of that the kids both colored it was so cute. We had balloons all over the house and takoa picked out a mickey mouse balloon to take with us to see daddy cause he knew when daddy got home we get to go to Disneyland!! Takoa was in the post paper holding his sign that made his day when he saw that! When takoa saw tj he just started to laugh...makes me cry...he was so happy to see his daddy!! Kiele was to she wasn't sure she wanted him to hold her but that wore off in about ten mins. We had to wait for a little speach thank goodness it was only five mins. when they said we could go it was a mad dash to daddy Takoa and Kiele were trying so hard to get to daddy as fast as they could. Kiele's legs just don't move as fast as Takoa's. So cute to see them running together! We are so glad the our daddy is home and glad he is home safe!! thanks to everyone for your support and paryers this last year!
Friday, March 5, 2010
After along wait TJ is home!!! We were lucky and he got to come home on one of the first flights!! He got home January 13th!! We were up REALLY early to get there on time just to sit and wait and wait. Takoa was just ready for daddy to be here already. Takoa helped make the sign and we made one for the house that I didn't get a pic of that the kids both colored it was so cute. We had balloons all over the house and takoa picked out a mickey mouse balloon to take with us to see daddy cause he knew when daddy got home we get to go to Disneyland!! Takoa was in the post paper holding his sign that made his day when he saw that! When takoa saw tj he just started to laugh...makes me cry...he was so happy to see his daddy!! Kiele was to she wasn't sure she wanted him to hold her but that wore off in about ten mins. We had to wait for a little speach thank goodness it was only five mins. when they said we could go it was a mad dash to daddy Takoa and Kiele were trying so hard to get to daddy as fast as they could. Kiele's legs just don't move as fast as Takoa's. So cute to see them running together! We are so glad the our daddy is home and glad he is home safe!! thanks to everyone for your support and paryers this last year!
our christmas
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
4 Years old!!!
Takoa and his new bike we live on a huge hill so he can't really ride it but in our drive way right now. We can go to the top of the hill and then he can ride better!

He LOVES BYU for those of you that know my family and my parents we say Takoa is more of a fan than my dad! He is a true cougar fan!! Koa bleeds blue!
I have never seen kids not go crazy... they all just picked the candy and toys they wanted I was putting handfulls into their bags!

(not the best pic oh well) Takoa and Mommy

(not the best pic oh well) Takoa and Mommy
the cake!! BOLT

Takoa had a great Birthday!!! I can't believe my "little guy" is 4! We ate dinner mac and cheese homemade, (takoas request) also had stake, chicken, fish, salads, jello gigglers a lot of food... To finish off with cake and icecream!! Takoa couldn't decide what theme to have for his birthday so it was a mix. He loves bolt and also Transformers so we did both and he loved it. We had a pinata full of tons of candy and little toys!! I was glad we were home so he could have his Grandparents there and cousins at least some of them. When we got back to Alaska Takoa got to pick out his new bike!! He was so happy to get one transformers it was!! I has been able to ride it a little and he is doing really good! He is growing so much and says the funniest things I love it! I wish he could stay little. He loves to dance (hip-hop dance as he says) play with his sister, talk to daddy on skype, he is great at tae kwon do, ride his bike, be a big helper!! love you Takoa
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Well we made it back to Alaska!! Last month I was really in need of family so I took a military flight to Boise (that was closest I could get) and had my sister come pick me up! Military flights are great they are FREE....they are just REALLY loud and it's stand by. It was nice cause TJ is deployed I was in a higher category. The kids loved it they got to walk around Takoa went up on deck to see how they fly and on the way home the last flight there was a hammock and takoa went up and got to wear a headset and talk to the pilot. He told me he got to fly!! I was in Utah a little over 3 weeks. We then got to Washington planning on staying until we got a flight 10 days later and some tears we made it home I was so ready and couldn't handle it anymore! I missed one flight cause they changed the time and then they weren't going to let me fly cause my paper work didn't have all the info they wanted it to have ( the same paperwork I got there with)! We didn't have to stay in a hotel we have great friends that we stayed with that didn't want us to go. I was an experience but I would do it saves us a ton of $$$ Why didn't we do this before? We had loads of fun spending time with family and friends! I was so excited to see some friends I hadn't seen for years thanks Heather for taking the time to see us Takoa had so much fun and can't wait to play again. It was sure great to catch up with you! Takoa was decked out for 3 of the BYU games he got to go to! As soon as we would leave the game he would ask when the next one was. I think he is more of a BYU fan than my dad its so funny. We only wish we were going to be there this weekend for ESPN game day. He told me he would be screaming so loud! We also had Takoa's birthday! I will post more on that! we went to the zoo saw the baby elephant! We went to lagoon! All in all we had a great get away!!!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
YES...we are still alive!
Well I haven't had a computer since march and have just been using whatever one i can so I finally went and bought one!! Here is some of what has been going on...
SPORTS CRAZY!! Takoa takes after his dad in wanting to play every sport out there... he loves them all and is very good at all! He is getting so BIG! he will turn 4 soon! he makes the funniest faces is a great helper and will start preschool next week!! He can't wait. Koa loves to play at the park! There is a park about a mile from our house we walk there about 3 times a week at least. Takoa loves it
KIELE'S B-DAY!! Our baby is 1!!!
Kiele is getting so big!? well maybe not big considering she only is 17 lbs in the less than 3%. Her and takoa are opposite on that he was a HUGE baby! She is a fun little girl she started walking at 10 months she loves to play with her bother and talk to daddy on the phone ...she carries it with her all day! Sweet girl with an attitude!
We have many more...My family came out this summer that was great! It has been so much fun to get to explore Alaska! It is so beautiful here!! I will post more pics soon!!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
So life has been a little crazy to say the least! Adjusting to TJ being gone, being in a new place and also buying a house our last 2 months have been exciting, fun, sad, and stressful. We are so happy to have bought a house!!! Our first! We weren't planning on it but the cost of living is crazy here so it just worked out for us. I will post some pics when I get a new camera and computer! TJ took both with him! Trying to unpack and put together a house with 2 kids and no one else to help has been not so much fun. We closed on the house 3 days before TJ left and we got our things last week. So I have my work cut out for me! It has been hard for all of us adjusting to TJ being gone he will be gone for a year deployment. We get to talk on the phone and e-mail so that has helped! If anyone would like to send care packages I can email you his address just let me know! So far so good here in Alaska! We are ready for spring/summer to get here so we can play outside, but it just wont stop snowing!
Kiele is getting so big she is crawling and now pulling herself up against things...she is to little I want her to stay a baby. Kids grow to fast! Takoa is also getting big all the pants we got him for Christmas he is to big for!! So much for buying them big so they would fit longer! Everyday he is doing or saying things that just make me laugh. I love the things he comes up with!! I will be getting so new pics up soon!!! love you and miss you all!!
Kiele is getting so big she is crawling and now pulling herself up against things...she is to little I want her to stay a baby. Kids grow to fast! Takoa is also getting big all the pants we got him for Christmas he is to big for!! So much for buying them big so they would fit longer! Everyday he is doing or saying things that just make me laugh. I love the things he comes up with!! I will be getting so new pics up soon!!! love you and miss you all!!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Takoa is such a funny little guy and so smart!! some of the funny things he says
- In the car driving he says he wants mommy to get a hockey stick so we can play together. he tells me you have to be good so I can buy it for asked him if he has money he tells tj..I will just use your wallet!
- He loves to play hockey with his new stuff daddy bought for him! We are in a apt right now so there isn't much room to play but he finds it. Takoa is running all over then I see him stop and start singing I was listening try not to laugh. First was the Canada anthem? then he put his had over his heart to sing our National Anthem. It was so funny he got some of the word his own..."I am going to play hockey I love hockey." to the tune
- Takoa wants to got to school so bad we going to start him in pre-school next month but here is what he tells us. "my teacher is going to be mad if I don't do my homework."... " I have to go get on that school bus" "mom help me with my homework" " I will do my homework first then I can play"
- Getting ready to go anywhere he tells me while I'm doing my we are leaving in 5 mins you have to hurry we are going to be late..I think he has heard his dad one to many times
- he will get the stuffed animals we have here his "friends" and play with them with and sissy. She loves it they all lay on the floor for "nap time" says takoa
- tells me mom we can't cry when daddy leaves it will be ok...he is going to keep having to tell me that
- driving in the car he said daddy we need to go to the airport. we asked him why he said I'm going to see Grandma, Papa, Trent and Donny all by myself!!
- tells me daddy is going to have a sword like Jack Sparrow when he helps at the war
- going to ihop he knows what daddy is going to get and is telling us on the way what everyone is getting he tells daddy you like the butterhopscotch pancakes=butterscotch rocks pancakes!!
- tells kiele "I love you sissy don't cry" he is such a big helper
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